Vegan MoFo 2015: Day 26 – Snowdrift!

A couple months ago, on a rainy Sunday, Ben and I started a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. It has taken half our dining table hostage since then, and mostly we are too scared to sit down to work on it because last time we did, we looked up with headaches, cricks in our necks and two hours less in each of our lives. To be honest, we mostly find pieces when we’re not trying to look for them; we glance at it and halfheartedly try two pieces sitting next to each other, and miraculously they just click into place.

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Vegan MoFo 2015: Day 24 – What [well known person] would eat if they were vegan

Today’s prompt is a strange one; it instantly stood out as one of the most fun ones, but I just couldn’t seem to think of a well-known person whose diet I could veganise.

Vegan MoFo 2015

As I was talking through the prompts with/at Ben, as I mentioned this one I said “Dunno what I’ll do with this one… I vaguely thought of Arnie…”. Ben immediately exclaimed “I was gonna say Arnie!” – and thus, unwittingly, the idea for this prompt was born. Continue reading

VeganMoFo 2015: Day 21 – Vegans on a desert island

The desert island question. If you are vegan, the first thing that probably sprung to mind was “But if you were stranded on a desert island with no food but animals, would you eat them?”. Anyone else, though, might be more familiar with the old “Which 1/2/3 foods/movies/people would you take with you if you were stranded on a desert island?”. Sometimes, the question is posed with you hypothetically on death row rather than on a desert island.

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Vegan MoFo 2015: Day 20 – Veganising an old family recipe

I’m just going to have to come out and say that we don’t really have any family recipes in my family. Vegan MoFo 2015

There were recipes that my French grandma made regularly, and my Australian grandma bakes frequently and well. But nothing has ever been deemed such an important dish that it was worthy of passing on – frankly, we’re just not that kind of family: everyone has had to carve their own path both in life and in the kitchen. Continue reading

Vegan MoFo 2015: Day 18 – Honouring an animal

I know this is supposed to be the Vegan Month of Food and animals are not our food, but today’s prompt is the rather touching request to honour a human or non-human animal that inspires our veganism. And I’m not gonna lie, not being strictly-speaking a food blogger, I can definitely do with a break from trying to make my food sound or look interesting!

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