
So you’ve stumbled across this blog, perhaps by accident, and I intend to make it worth your while, whether you are vegan, know a vegan, love a vegan, hate a vegan, or have never really thought about being vegan.

I’m not here to give you any groundbreaking news or advice. Quite the opposite, in fact. I want to show just how effortlessly easy it is to thrive as a vegan, no matter how active, busy, lazy, or broke you may be. By thrive, I don’t mean settling for the garnishes an unhelpful restaurant will hastily throw on a plate because they couldn’t be bothered to figure out what you can and can’t eat. By thrive, I don’t mean accepting that you’re going to be slightly weaker and skinnier and more tired than everyone else around you. By thrive, I don’t mean forlornly watching your omnivorous friends guzzle burgers and cheesecake while you push a limp unseasoned lettuce leaf around your plate.

This matters to me because I’m just an ordinary twenty-something year old girl who has been vegan for four of the six years I’ve been physically active. In that time, I have been a student, I have lived at home, I have lived away from home and I have worked a full time job. I have lived in Luxembourg, in Southampton and in London. I have explained veganism (many times) to a French family and an Australian family. I have trained in Thai boxing, boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, powerlifting and general fitness. I have breakfasted, lunched and dinnered in various European countries. I have put on weight, I have lost weight, I have felt healthy and I have been unwell.

The point I am getting at here is that not only are we all different, with varying needs and tastes, but our needs vary within our own lives according to our financial, emotional, geographical situation. So by all means peruse the internet for the perfect (vegan) diet and the ideal training routine – but when you get discouraged and confused, I hope this blog can offer a little realistic advice, washed down with some encouragement and maybe a pinch of inspiration.

As for my Great Expectations; if we as vegans can prove that we know what we’re doing, maybe the rest of the world will accept that it’s time to offer us decent vegan options on their menu, a decent selection of vegan supplements for all training goals and health needs, and to use their 20 questions more wisely than to ask us where we get our protein from.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. herbivorousgeek says:

    Hi, Fellow vegan 🙂

    Ahhh, one of the most frustrating questions i get asked “Where do you get your protein from?” !!! hehe I love to show the world that you CAN be FIT, HEALTHY & STRONG without animal products 🙂 It’s a great feeling.

  2. celestedimilla says:

    Hey there! What a great name for your blog and I love what it’s about. It’s always a pleasure to e-meet another vegan blogger. And I do believe that through blogging, we are making a difference. So keep up your great expectations and keep on blogging! Celeste 🙂

  3. Alwena says:

    Je trouve ce blog merveilleux et la façon dont tu penses l’est tout autant! Je suis admirative! La société est laide a toujours vouloir se nourrir sur la vie des autres… On peut être belle, mince, en bonne santé, raisonnable et humaine tout en étant végan 😉
    Bonne continuation, tu es merveilleuse!

    • greatveganexpectations says:

      Bonjour Alwena, et un grand grand grand merci pour ce beau message! Je suis heureuse de savoir que mes pensées et mes paroles peuvent motiver et encourager les autres. Ton message me met un grand sourire au lèvres – le plus beau cadeau de tous! Merci encore et bonne continuation 🙂

  4. Tony says:

    HI, thanks for the follow and blog visit. I lived as a non-vegan vegetarian for years, but left it now. Still enjoy good health because I am willing to work for it. Congrats on your achievements and best of luck on your quest!

    • greatveganexpectations says:

      Thanks Tony! Interesting that you refer to your health almost in spite of no longer following a meat-free diet – I’ve never heard someone tell it that way before, normally people tell me they had to go back to meat to feel healthy! Glad you’ve found a diet and lifestyle that works for you, and I’ll be looking forward to keeping up with your blog 🙂

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